Learning How to Change

Join Barbara Oakley, renowned educator and bestselling author, in this transformative workshop for senior executives. Adapt, grow, and thrive in a dynamic business landscape. Gain the tools to unlock your potential and confidently navigate change.

Barbara Oakley will guide your personal and professional growth through interactive sessions, discussions, and activities. Benefit from her research on learning and neuroplasticity as she shares practical insights and evidence-based techniques to overcome mental barriers and embrace new opportunities.



  1. Supercharge learning: Unleash the brain's potential, acquire skills rapidly.
  2. Thriving in uncertainty: Embrace change and turn challenges into opportunities.
  3. Neuroplastic leadership: Harness neuroplasticity and elevate your leadership.
  4. Conquer biases, unleash growth: Overcome cognitive biases and unlock personal and professional growth.
  5. Resilience mastery: Build resilience, manage stress, and bounce back stronger.
  6. Cultivating learning culture: Foster continuous learning and change within your organization.
  7. By the end, you'll gain valuable insights, practical tools, and a roadmap for success. Don't miss this transformative learning experience with Barbara Oakley and senior executives.

Barbara Oakley: "Learning How to Learn" | Talks at Google

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